Authorized Dealers

Click on a location below to view all the dealers in that state/country. We are very careful about who we allow to be a dealer. Any shop must first qualify for a dealership based on 3 core values. Quality, consistency, and honesty. To be a dealer all shops must have completed at least 3 installs of our kits.

United States



We offer 3 TIERS of discounts. Shop, Dealer, and Wholesale. Each tier has different discounted pricing based on the margins we have on those brands. The goal is simple, WE BOTH make money. Wholesale is the DEEPEST discount, which will get you around 10% off all Grannas products and some higher discounts on products where I have larger margins. To be at that wholesale level we require $50K in sales per year. This is roughly about 6 transmission kits or a mix of transmission kits and rear end kits.

All authorized dealers must be a qualified by Joel. You will be expected to hold yourself to the "Grannas Standard" which is based on honesty and quality of work, along with having a physical location. You must have completed at least 3 of my transmission/rear end kit installs to be eligible. Also, you must meet yearly purchase thresholds. The purchase of one transmission or one part for a shop car does not qualify for a dealer/wholesale discount/account. Selling one kit a year does not benefit us... we have to see volume of sales to recoup the money lost by discounting our products. 

If you feel like you would be a good fit... then please fill out the form below and we can get something setup.